From our current offer:

  • The Most Beautiful Face of Esztergom and Sturovo

    The Most Beautiful Face of Esztergom and Sturovo All-day programme for groups Spend an unforgettable day on the banks of the river connecting the two cities… The Castle Hill Monument Complex is a National Monument and the Royal Castle is a European Heritage Site! Price: 16 000 HUF / person Ask for our personalized offer and make an appointment! Details HERE

  • “Here is the Hungarian Rome!” – Route 1

    The 1st route of the historical walks in Esztergom cover the Castle Hill with the Basilica and Water Town.

  • “Here is the Hungarian Rome!”- Route 2

    The 2nd route of the historical walks in Esztergom cover the Becket Saint Thomas Hill and mentions Claudio Monteverdi’s visit to Esztergom.

  • “Hungarian Rome is here!”- Route 3

    The historical walk 3 covers the royal city of Esztergom, the area that was the first Hungarian City and the area called Hévíz.

Our prices:

Walking tours in Esztergom

The following guided walks can be arranged for individuals or groups at any time upon prior appointment.

Weekly guided tours in 2021